Purchasing the Timer Tool – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Purchasing the Timer Tool

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  • abate.beth@gmail.com says:

    I am on android. It only gives me the option to bit the entire Tools Pack at $14.99. There doesn’t seem to be an option to just buy the timer. Anyone else have this issue?

  • SNovotny says:

    Sara, some time previously (possibly several years ago…) I added the Coaches Eye app to my iPhone. How can I tell what amount – and if – I am paying for it? In the App Store, I only see the FREE version and the $120 VIP version. I don’t see mention of a $4.99 option. They mention that I should be able to see if I’m being charged in my iTunes Account and if I’m on auto renew for the VIP, but I don’t know how to find my iTunes account….. duh…..can you help me? I’m afraid I might be paying the $120…. Thanks.

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