Round 3: Hybrid – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Round 3: Hybrid

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  • Hdickin580 says:

    Feel free to delete this comment if not appropriate, but I designed the hybrid course for the 2010 Invitational, and I was told to use 2 contacts, normally AFrame and teeter, but that I could swap one of them for dogwalk if I preferred. I looked at premium for this year, and it says 2 contacts for hybrid, but it doesn’t specify which, so I’m thinking the design guidelines are probably still the same? With all the speed and fun of running dogwalks these days, and all the video review of teeter calls at cynosports, it would not shock me at all to see a dogwalk used in place of the teeter at some point in the next few years! I have no inside info, just a guess!! Heather

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