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Introduction |
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Changing Your Password |
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Asking Questions/Getting Feedback |
Lesson 4 |
Visualization Mastery Bonus |
Lesson 5 |
Judges' Trends |
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Technology for Agility |
2018 AKC Agility Invitational Course Map Review | + |
Lesson 1 |
Round 1: Jumpers with Weaves |
Lesson 2 |
Round 2: Standard |
Lesson 3 |
Round 3: Hybrid |
Lesson 4 |
Round 4: Jumpers with Weaves |
Lesson 5 |
Round 5: Standard Finals |
Small Space Exercise Set 1 | + |
Lesson 1 |
Exercise with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
Small Space Exercise Set 2 | - |
Lesson 1 |
Exercise with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
Small Space Exercise Set 3 | + |
Lesson 1 |
Exercise with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
Small Space Exercise Set 4 | + |
Lesson 1 |
Exercise with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
Small Space Exercise Set 5 | + |
Lesson 1 |
Exercise with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
Small Space Exercise Set 6 | + |
Lesson 1 |
Exercise with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
Lesson 3 |
Bonus Nested Contrast Sequence |
Wrap-Up | + |
Lesson 1 |
For Invitational Competitors |
Lesson 2 |
Survey |
Lesson 3 |
BONUS: AKC Ribbon Wall Report |
Here are Joey’s runs. This is his first sequence since his injury. I’m running him at 10″ instead of 12″. Sorry for the camera angle. I was having tripod issues!
Feedback: https://youtu.be/eeenNWf3IFg
SBS: https://youtu.be/5bKjw9mZXRc
Sarah, thanks for the feedback. I’m just always so slow getting the front cue started. I’ll work on that. I have a problem with both dogs on the rear. If I put much pressure earlier, the dogs shy off the jump. I’m trying to work it out by slowly increasing the pressure, but I’m having a hard time with that. One time, I stepped in too strong. Cecil froze and I almost fell over him. Then he was afraid to run with me for a few days. These dogs are soft! Do you have any tips for training a stronger rear? I was thinking of tossing treats to get an earlier commit. ?? Maybe I’ll send you a video of a problem with earlier pressure and let you critique it?
I think you can throw a toy forward to help them commit. We usually throw with the inside arm, then that throw fades into just the inside arm supporting the jump.
I do think that using the inside arm is helpful for support. I often see handlers who use the outside arm to flip the dog away. It can actually pull their attention away from the obstacle. It also requires the dog to distinguish it from the beginning of a front. So I much prefer signalling with the inside arm and continuing to use that inside arm to support the dog even as you put pressure.
This might include some helpful tips: https://baddogagility.com/does-your-dog-turn-the-wrong-way-on-rear-crosses-facebook-live/
Hi there! Here is a link to Cecil’s exercises. Joey has a tender illiopsoas, so he’s getting a break for a few weeks.
Cecil Mod 4
Thanks so much! Sue
Feedback: https://youtu.be/MoH4xmtronU
SBS: https://youtu.be/G1ZUnTFST2k
Thanks for the feedback. I especially appreciated the side by side. I really didn’t expect there to be over 1 sec difference. Good to know.
Hello! I hope i’m not too late for feedback. I’ve finally got some headspace to do this training. I’ve got 2 poodles. Polly (9.5 y.o.) and Frank (4 y.o.).
Polly does not have a rear cross so I elected to blind 5-6
Here’s Polly doing the Wrap https://www.coachseye.com/v/d24a852915f348efbc97c3a02dea2547
Here’s Polly doing the slice
I was totally surprised that the slice and wrap were pretty much identical for her https://www.coachseye.com/v/f7a82b12d1e14fcdadc8dca24db4e926
I loved this course for teaching rear crosses – which I haven’t been able to figure out how to teach for Frank. So here’s us doing the double rear cross, I’d like to hear what you say about why we didn’t pull off the second rear on 6.
(When I handled Frank the same way as I did with Polly – the slice was a touch faster)
Please let me know if the links don’t work – I haven’t used Coach’s Eye much for sharing.
You get feedback for months (I think through May!) – so you have plenty of time!
All the links look good except the last one that says the video failed to upload.
I’ll analyze these tomorrow.
Oh hooray! Here’s the Frank one again https://www.coachseye.com/v/ca3df19b6ca44e8ca54af39ee1c3aa22
Thanks for getting back to me
Feedback v1: https://youtu.be/Ii2Jiyqkz5g
v2: https://youtu.be/UlS3RMmGCh8
v3: https://youtu.be/dMzDuO5a9Uo
Thank you for this. Me and Polly have been queens of the blind cross since forever so I’m pleased to hear we’re nailing it still! ha ha
This was the first time i’ve done rear crosses in sequence with Frank – so we’ve still got some work to do. It was definitely just a touch tight for space (there wasn’t *quite* enough room to set this up properly). Thanks for your tip about going deep into the wing on the rear cross to keep me in motion on that rear and stop me being flatfooted. I’ll remember that!
hi Sarah. I am not going to Invitationals this year, but am trying to improve timing of my cues, push our speed while maintaining contact with Copper Sun throughout the run. looking forward to your feedback – love having this opportunity to take advantage of your and Jenn’s expert eyes.
three exercises:
I thought the first and third options were the best for us.
challenge sequence:
while I liked all three options, the third felt smoothest, but I liked trying all three of them. thanks!
v1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcHvShzjQlw
v2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YAX6grm0-c
v3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9POIEJ-LrY
sbs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmGKhWhm7mI
v4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgUJexZaDic
v5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAJUB67TD0E
v6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBnEtXwAxKw
sbs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_PR4KaVZU8
thank you, Sarah for your step-by-step 🙂 and side by side (how cool!) analyses of these sequences. Have to think about rear crosses: on the first rear cross in the first sequence, my thinking was that the closer you are to the jump when you signal the rear cross, the tighter the turning cues, while a rear cross done well before the jump signals extension. So since I wanted a tight turn, I needed to pressure in close to the jump. I am thinking you were saying my location close the jump was okay, just that I got there too early?
Yes, I think that is a valid strategy that is very specific to rear cross into a wrap. In fact, as I rewatch my own video I am much glower to the second jump, though still putting early and strong pressure on the line.
thank you!
If I can, this evening I am going to rework these. On options 1 and 2, I rushed after the rear/Jaako and misplaced my decel. On option 3, i definitely could have left sooner to get a better line from the blind.
feedback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8nFMQ5ThZs
side by side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPQokDwtm10
Hey Sarah! Yes, this is Roulez. Hahaha!! Yep! I was rushing it… watched my videos before I sent as a comment and realized what I had done. Not putting in the decel at jump after cross had me stuck and waiting for her at next rear cross. We did the same sequence this afternoon WITH the decel with a much nicer line for her.
My toy throws suck, not her jumping. I didn’t like how high my throws were with the resultant raising of her head. Later in video you don’t see me throwing because I put the toy on the line after the last jump.
The Jaako/Not Jaako- 🙄🤣🙄. It did not feel right- guess for a reason 🤣🤣🤣.Geez… maybe I can name it and sell it though.
And the blind– yea, I only use blinds where I don’t need much turn also. I didn’t like how wide it was making her turns…but thought that’s what you did in your video. Obviously I should have watched it more than once. Hoping I didn’t make the same mistakes in the Nested Challenge video😱
Hey! No worries! It can be hard to replicate what someone else is doing. Especially if it’s not your normal handling.
Here is a short redo of Options 1 and 3.
Feedback on redo: https://youtu.be/6j6Uanx-GkI
HI Sarah! I found this very difficult. It didn’t help that I watched it in my lunch break then set straight to it when I got home and probably forgot some of the intricate detail!
Turning from 5 to 6 was hard! I didn’t give him any turning cues for some reason (maybe I’m too tired! 🙂 )
I also made up my own handling at the end, though he may have patterned by then!
Feedback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXuJCfF2Zko
Side by Side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwxW0PtUefs
Thank you! I forgot about the front cross line! I redid it this morning – was so much better! 🙂
Awesome! The FC line will really help your positioning.
Lesson 1 of Module 4 with 3 options. Chewie liked the Front Cross option the best. Thanks Joan.
Feedback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0NjOAONui0
Side by Side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOjfQUUgrpU
Thanks for the great feedback Sarah. I tried a re-do based on your feedback (just for obstacles 3 to 6) where I tried to let Chewie get more ahead of me before doing the rear crosses and also more ahead with the wrap option at jump 4. I think maybe I baby him too much because he does sometimes refuse jumps, but he is in fact capable of working ahead of me more than I think he is and maybe this might even help with his refusals (i.e. maybe he refuses when i am too close to the jump?). In fact for Option 3 with the wrap on the inside wing of 4 and Front Cross between 5 & 6, I had a hard time beating him to 5/6 to get the front cross done in time. Thanks!
Here’s feedback on the redo! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUXmxAyveIU
Lesson 2 with 3 options. Thank you
Feedback: https://youtu.be/XJMnjFbHGSg
Side by side: https://youtu.be/xTM0aIFCxYM
Thank you very much for your comments. You r correct. Wesley is a Portuguese Water Dog! He and his sister are very handler focused – something I must have done in my training I imagine. Anyway, I do think rear crossing slows him down as he hesitates to move in front of me. I avoid it where I can. I will try to b more thoughtful of where i decelerate. Always working on my timing of crosses!
Hi Sarah,
Here’s our exercises and the challenge… but I did a FC at jump 6 in the challenge (instead of the drill — I forgot by the time I got to the arena 😉 and was trying to get it done before the rain… if I can get the other option in I’ll send along. Thanks a bunch!!
Riley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3Vo6yE5D0A
Side by side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNKvZLF2f6Q
Thanks so much for your helpful comments! I forgot how much fun the BDA courses are 😉
Awww, so sweet! Thank you!!
Here is our video showing the 3 options for this Exercise
I am normally not comfortable doing a rear cross so this Exercise was good for me.
Feedback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwQPdHda_w4
Side by side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1SgzwgAbkE
Porter does the exercises. I flipped the course in my borrowed yard for the challenges, to try and use the widest part of the yard. Still a little tight and I ducked under some foliage after my front cross.
Feedback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPgODaWCUmY
Hi Sarah, thanks for posting feedback, but there seems to be a problem with the video upload. It is just a blank box.
Sorry – here’s the correct url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk_clzmYI8g
Streak exercises set 2. the rears felt awkward but it’s good practice for when I just can’t get to places.
Feedback: https://youtu.be/6zFurKUt1CU https://youtu.be/cGlfpgv9ydM
I was not trusting her on the blinds to take the jumps as some of the cut out first reps I ran the slightly wrong line and those jumps weren’t “free”. So it was a trust issue but not on the backside. Also really wanted to know if she took the jump before I watched video because it is hard for me to re set it up. I’ll try to go for it more next time and maybe sneak peek the video if needed.
Hi Joni! Can you check your link? It’s going to a trial video. Thanks!
I found it on your channel : https://youtu.be/usUOYwT-mXM
Duh- thank you Sarah.
Jennifer, please use the link above.
feedback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ze3llRf_Is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98dgdvsehZo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyMfSRNZnag
Thank you so much for all the feedback! I should’ve done this a heck of a lot sooner!
Please take a look at this video. While I ran and filmed all 3 dogs, I think the most interesting set of exercises is with Enzo. I numbered the tries for clarity.
1. RC #4; RC #6 (off course tunnel; just off camera)
2. RC #4; RC #6 successfully done
3. BC 3 to 4; BC 5 to 6
4. BC 3 to 4; BC 5 to 6 (trying to improve timing)
5. Wrap #4 to the inside; RC #6
6. BC 3 to 4; BC 5 to 6 (maybe worse than #4)
~~time out for video review; decided to try the BC from 5 to 6 much sooner~~
7. BC 3 to 4; BC 5 to 6 (better)
8. Send 4, 5, backside 2 to keep him honest
9. BC 3 to 4; BC 5 to 6; do you agree this is the “good one”?
Feedback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz-omEI6vOc
SBS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO_w57Jf30Q
Thanks, Sarah! Great comments and a really nice SBS. Interesting that I may have more feasible options with Enzo if the wrap versus slice difference is so small.
Really interesting exercise and a good one for me as I struggle to figure out which option is faster. I would have picked exercise 3 because of confidence in being able to execute it, and that turned out to be slow by almost a full second. Rear crosses are a struggle for us. We got exercise 1 on the third try. I included a failure in the video so you can see what we are dealing with. It was soooo hard to get to that blind, I doubt I would have/will attempt a similar blind at a big event. Here’s our work, lmk what you think…
I did put together a side by side of wrap left versus wrap right and am really surprised by the difference being so much!!!
Feedback: https://youtu.be/XlskqYLCiFg https://youtu.be/kusFfCokds4
Really nice blind cross. But I hear ya, it’s hard to have that confidence in the ring. It would be great to find an agreesive blind like that at a local trial and get that experience and confidence.
Thank you!!! Excellent feedback! The discussion on rear crosses and off courses and also making sure I have commitment before applying pressure is very valuable!! We do not do a lot of rear crosses of any kind but occasionally it is unavoidable. I do periodically do rear crosses on the flat and rear cross landings when the course dictates it but generally not a go to for me. I had never considered that those types of rears could lead to push offs. Both my current dog and first agility dog are prone to push offs on rears… interesting 🤔 thank you…
Been thinking about your comments on him pushing off on rears and am wondering if I should wait until physical commitment to pressure in or is that too late?
Physical commitment is too late. In that case, the dog is already committed to taking the jump a certain way, bending toward you or at best straight ahead. Likely jumping closer to the middle of the jump or drifting to the near wing.
With late pressure you may get a spin after the jump as your dog lands curling toward where you used to be and has to adjust to where you are after. The bar will also come down often as the dog attempts to switch leads in midair.
For rear crosses, I like to freeze frame the dog over the bar and see where they are looking, which part of the bar they are over.