Round 4: Jumpers with Weaves – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Round 4: Jumpers with Weaves

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  • Melissa&Raven says:

    I’m curious if you have any data on the obstacle before the weaves. I noticed that in all of these examples, there is a jump before the weaves. Do they ever use any of the other obstacles – like tunnels – prior to the weaves?

  • Krys Townsend says:

    I love these course map analysis 💜 thanks Sarah. Your first comment with this one was; it’s all wing jumps. Why is this something you noticed immediately. What is the importance of whether they are winged or up right jumps. Thanks Krys

    • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

      It’s not terribly obvious, but the map analyses were actually done by Jennifer! But you wouldn’t know that unless you know our voices.

      Wingless jumps provide different challenges than winged jumps. They are much easier for the dog to run by or run around.

      Backsides can only be asked of the dog on a winged jump, and in many organizations in the world, wingless jumps are not allowed. So many training centers use almost exclusively winged jumped. So it’s important to have some experience with wingless jumps.

      I also believe that the number of wingless jumps being used in AKC has been going down in recent years. In past years, we pointed out the presence of wingless to make sure people practiced them. But now it’s their absence that is striking.

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