Exercise with Options – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Exercise with Options

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  • Sue says:

    We’re back from our wee holiday in the South Island, so we’re back into our training!
    Amazingly, I preferred the rear cross!

  • Michelle says:

    Here’s Jake’s attempt. I included the 4 attempts of the rear cross that we did in the same sequence that we did them. The only thing cut out of the video is the return to jump 1. When I tried to put the cross in between 3-4 he wouldn’t drive out to get jump 5. But when I did the rear cross on the flat between 4 & 5 he got it. The rear would almost always be my last choice with him but it is nice to know that he will do it even if the cross is not in the ideal location. https://youtu.be/I_gcBy9OKEA

  • Krys Townsend says:

    Hi Sarah, I’ve been practicing the rear X with Brynn, this exercise was better. See what you think, cheers Krys

  • AmyH says:

    Tried the blind and the front and I think the blind worked better here

  • Carol/Pogo says:


    We started off strong but then things didn’t go well. I tried breaking things down to show him what I wanted but he was confused. Kinda discouraging!

      • Carol/Pogo says:

        Sarah, thanks so much for the feedback. I got a lot from your comments. For one thing, I won’t try rear crosses that have a fairly straight line after, in a competition. Or if I HAVE to, I’ll go into it knowing that Pogo is likely to turn sharply away from my pressure of crossing and to plan for that. I also really liked your ideas for “making it easier” like moving the jump, or encouraging the correct line to the jump by rewarding the line, rather than the obstacle. These are good ideas to store away! It looks, from the way I edited the video, like I kept pushing Pogo but really, we took lots of breaks, walked on the farm where we train, did other things that he knows well. So those repetitions were over an hour. But I can see on my face and by my body posture that I was frustrated so I should have stopped for the day. I think Pogo “over thinks” when I repeat: “oh, you didn’t like that? maybe you’ll like this?” He’s my first poodle and he’s different from my sheltie and my pap. More emotional. Watching the video, I see how hard he is trying and I wished I’d let it go. We are going to try USDAA agility at home in December and I want to feel like we are “ready” so I guess that is why I “wanted to get it right”. A front cross is a pretty basic thing…

        • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

          “oh, you didn’t like that? maybe you’ll like this?” YES. THIS. Some dog absolutely do this. I wouldn’t over worry, I really think it was mental fatigue at that point. Nothing systemic.

  • beardie1234 says:

    If I saw a sequence like this on a course I doubt I would have considered any of your options because they all require being able to outrun the dog by a considerable margin. Instead I would have drawn a mental line between jumps 1 and 4 and sent my dog out to pick up 2 & 3 on his own, meeting the dog (on left) at 4 and then rear crossing between 4 & 5. I will try your options but my guess is any attempt to cross between 3 & 4 will buy me that tunnel.

      • beardie1234 says:

        Thanks for the video; it was very instructive. I was busy over the weekend so didn’t get a chance to try anything until today. I don’t disagree that I can do the FC given enough lateral distance to give me a head start but I need PLENTY which I often cannot get on course except at the start or after a table, a contact, a send to a tunnel/pinwheel. And I know all too well the consequences of being late! Here’s a very brief video of my Master-level dog doing it my way and with a FC between 3-4 and a rear cross between 3-4. Not as much distance needed to get the rear in obviously. I think my dog’s path is pretty similar no matter which way I handle it, at least the way I’ve built this sequence.

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