Exercise with Options – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Exercise with Options

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  • pewing says:

    Here are video links to exercise 1 with the 3 handling options. For handling option 3, my blind cross is out of the view of the video (sorry!).
    Thank you! Patty

  • Daniela F says:

    Pico is the only one actually going to invitational, but Pico and Dizzy will both be going to NAC. Pico has a really hard time turning on this floor so all of his turns are wider than they should be. Hula is not trial ready yet, but I thought I’d let her try and she did great! I struggled with blinds with her, so I replaced hers with fronts.

  • Ann says:

    Here is my 4 yr old girl Nina. Definitely the third handling option felt the best for us! I don’t always choose the best option in trials so this class will be good for us. I seem to have pretty good hind site though, LOL. It will be good to do it as fore site.


  • beardie1234 says:

    Here’s our work on the small space and challenge sequences.

  • Kayla Swanberg says:

    Was able to sneak these exercises in last night after work…with Claire she doesn’t read the shoulder back-serpentine cue as well as Carat so I did use an outside arm pull for her in exercise 3 to get her to come in off the jump straight ahead of the tunnel. Looking forward to your feedback on what we can improve on, thank you!


  • Hsidmore says:

    Here is my first go at the first 3 exercises


  • Nikki says:

    Hi! Here is Week 1 Exercises 1-3. I am getting some turns wider than I like, but this is my young dog and he’s learning. Thanks in advance for any insight. https://youtu.be/3hMxl4Tjzhk

  • jpintar says:

    Here’s Week 1 Ex 1-3. Ex 1 and 2 were the about the same by my timing, but I know I can’t get it down to tenths of a sec accurately . I did find Ex 3 awkward getting that BX in after 3. Great exercises! Thanks ahead for your comments!


      • jpintar says:

        Thanks for the great feedback! Ex 2 would most likely have been my choice in a competition. The blind after 3 in Ex 1 and 3 felt awkward to me and I probably would not have even entertained it! I still think of a BX as an extension cue so it makes more sense after the tunnel, plus it creates a nicer line to # 3 jump IMO. Going from a BX to decel doesn’t make sense to me, although there might be situations where it might make sense? Saying that, I admit that BX’s are not my strength! I really need to work them more. And love the side by side…very interesting! Thanks again!

        • jpintar says:

          Correction to comment above: Didn’t mean to write “blind after 3 in Ex 1″…oops!

        • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

          I think that the MAJORITY of dogs and handlers continue to accelerate after blinds AND front crosses. So it can often be build into the FC cue that the following line should be run in extension. But this isn’t always the case. We do practice decels after blinds and fronts so the dog learns that they can’t assume what kind of running occurs after the cross. They need to let out handling show them, it might be accel, it might be decel!

  • joquelandassoc@bak.rr.com says:

    Hi Sarah, When I click on the first map, it is not the same as the exercise. Maybe I am missing something. Very possible. Thanks.

  • Michelle says:


    Is it possible to get the full course map this exercise was taken from?


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