Nested Challenge Sequence – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Nested Challenge Sequence

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  • AndreaBoucher says:

    Well I sorta forgot how I was supposed to handle option #2, but my time was running out as students were arriving for class. Also I rarely spin a turn as I get dizzy! So not very twirly these days.

  • Michelle says:

    It’s Friday Night Lights for Jake on SS #2.

  • Kayla Swanberg says:

    Here’s our work with this set…moved the bars back to 24 for the GSPs as we’ve been working at 20 for a bit during a break from trials. Looking forward to your feedback, thank you!

  • says:

    Here is my video of working Maddie on the nested challenge sequences-I just had a chance to listen to last week’s feedback and I think I am still late on giving her verbal cues for back sides, will definitely work on that more this week

  • Ellen says:

    I had more trouble with these two exercises, including forgetting the course and/or the handling! I know I was in her way on Option 1 between 4 and 5.

  • KMAC says:

    Well I found some holes that need my attention with both my older boys. They are not going deep enough on their backsides thus dropping the bars. Time to put the cone out and work some reps. I did some remedial work between runs but did not include them in my video. Vibe, on the other hand, just ran all four of these clips in sequence not missing a beat! So proud of him! I also noticed that I left out the last spin on option 2 for both Vibe and Psychic. Old age…. )-:

    Thanks for the feedback.

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