Exercise with Options – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Exercise with Options

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  • Daniela F says:

    I did this set over the weekend so there was enough daylight to run both dogs! One of Dizzy’s problem areas is turns over specialty jumps, so I replaced two of the jumps with a panel and the double. I typically do not do a startline with Pico. He has one, but the farther ahead I am the more likely he is to jump early and crash the bar.

  • Claire says:

    I have 2 videos. Thank you.
    1) Andy, who is 10 and jumps 12”


    2) CharLee, who just turned 3 and jumps 16”


  • beardie1234 says:

    Here’s Truman and my work on these exercises.


  • vannamanzi@gmail.com says:

    Here’s my try at this section with the challenges. I’m realizing that although my little guy is pretty fast I find I run fast with him and often have a difficult time timing rears as I can be “neck and neck” with him, often times waiting for him which makes my rears (I feel not so good). I also modified the second challenge since I don’t have a start line.

  • KMAC says:

    These were fun to run. The boys ran smooth and had little difficulty. I think on a couple of the Blind Crosses I might have been a little late. The Rear Crosses were not much of of RC because I was so far behind.


    Thanks for the feedback!!!

    • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:


      You pointed out the two things I saw as well 🙂 I read the comment after!

      • KMAC says:

        I totally agree! On exercise 3, I noticed Jen going in deep into the pocket and pausing as the dog comes out of the tunnel. So in my notes I kept reminding myself to go deeper into the pocket and pause then run. That is why I couldn’t get the rear cross. Guess what? I’m old & not Jen! (-: If I want a RC I do not need to go as deep and then I could pressure the line for a RC.
        I watch the videos and take so many notes trying to do exactly as you guys present the information to me. I need to take into consideration my abilities and then apply to the info presented. Thanks I totally agree!

  • halina.m.bednarz@gmail.com says:

    Here is the video of Maddie and I completing the exercise with options module 6!


  • Nicole LeDrew May says:

    Non-sequence related question – just curious – is that a target mat of some sort on the A-frame?
    Just did this sequence this evening, so fun! Might re-do it tomorrow as I made a few mistakes but Esker loved this and did great. 🙂

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