Round 4: Challengers – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Round 4: Challengers

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  • says:

    Instead of a rear cross after the A frame is before an option?

    • Jennifer Crank says:

      Due to the location of jump #6, a rear cross on the approach to the aframe would cause Swift to turn a bit too tight to the left off the aframe and likely not get to the backside of #6. If the angle were different then maybe it would be fine. Also, I answer this specific to Swift, who has a running aframe. If the dog in question has a stopped aframe then that changes things. A rear cross on the approach would be a much more reasonable option. As general rule, I do no rear cross the approach to the aframe when dealing with a running aframe.

  • dadiehl says:

    BRILLANT! I noticed you turned your chest to dog to get through the “gauntlet” of 8-9 backside…. You don’t think opposite arm would have been enough?
    I would have never thought of looked great ! Likewise 15… . must have been a hard turn to 15. Loved your suggestion on handling on dog on left through broad jump.. would have never occurred to me.. i agree the entry to broad jump had to be shaped. Wonderful commentary.. THANKS!

    • Jennifer Crank says:

      Based on how Swift is trained, and outside arm and threaded verbal *should* have been enough 8-9. But in the heat of the moment, and given so many dogs struggling with the section, I over handled to ensure I go the correct side. So yes, less shoulder rotation would have been more ideal and would have helped me get downstream a bit more.

      I think on the course map it looks like you might have been able to do the broad jump on right, but once set up I knew I needed the side change to be on the inside of the curve.

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