Large Individual Agility Analysis- Jessica and Hallelujah – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Large Individual Agility Analysis- Jessica and Hallelujah

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  • Randy says:

    Regarding the dog walk to a backside (at the penultimate jump), I was curious to know what is Jessica’s cue for the backside and what was the timing of that cue as Hallelujah ran the dog walk? Also, does Jessica have a different verbal cue for each side of a jump?

    • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

      My backside cue is “Back”. In this scenario, I said back as soon as hallelujah got to the middle ramp of the dog walk because she could see the backside from there. This is a well-known skill for her.

      I have several cues for the jumps. I have the front side which is “jump” I have a threadle slice, which is “in” , I have a threadle wrap cue which is “ me”. I also have a wrap/collection on the front side which is “ check” and a Rear cross q cue “ switch”

  • says:

    Just WOW!! This run will go down in history!! Fabulous!!

  • lesnroy says:

    Just an amazing run!! Congratulations!

  • says:


  • Havahav says:

    I am so excited for you! Absolutely wonderful run! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

  • says:


  • Denice says:

    that was amazing!!!

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