Todd Buchla Scouting Report – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Todd Buchla Scouting Report

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  • Carol N Flash says:

    Thank you. This is helpful. I run in mostly 100 by 100 and have seen the tunnel/no tunnel trap and the wrap back frquently in the last year.

  • japchinrose says:

    These are great, thank you!

  • beardie1234 says:

    I wonder if the wrap back is used more frequently when the course size is smaller. At AmericanK9 Country in NH where I show frequently, the ring is just the required 8,000 ft2, and we see wrap backs from most judges because it “reuses” the same space and doesn’t require the additional of more obstacles. Just a thought… Thanks for your excellent analysis. Very interesting.

  • Maureen says:

    Do you know which judges are designing each of the courses?

  • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:


  • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:


  • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

    So sorry – that was an error – it will be fixed this evening.

  • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

    So sorry – that was an error – it will be fixed this evening.

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