Welcome | + |
Lesson 1 |
Introduction |
Lesson 2 |
Changing Your Password |
Lesson 3 |
Asking Questions/Getting Feedback |
Lesson 4 |
Visualization Mastery Bonus |
Lesson 5 |
AKC Ribbon Wall Report Bonus |
Small Space Exercise Set 1 | + |
Lesson 1 |
Exercise with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
Small Space Exercise Set 2 | + |
Lesson 1 |
Exercise with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenges Sequence |
Small Space Exercise Set 3 | + |
Lesson 1 |
Exercise with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
2023 AKC Nationals Course Map Review | + |
Lesson 1 |
Round 1: Standard |
Lesson 2 |
Round 2: Jumpers With Weaves |
Lesson 3 |
Round 3: Hybrid |
Lesson 4 |
Round 4: Challengers |
Lesson 5 |
Round 5: Finals |
Small Space Exercise Set 4 | + |
Lesson 1 |
Exercise with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
NAC Judge Scouting Reports | + |
Lesson 1 |
Todd Buchla Scouting Report |
Lesson 2 |
Michael Case Scouting Report |
Lesson 3 |
Zach Davis Scouting Report |
Lesson 4 |
Susan Leitner Scouting Report |
Lesson 5 |
Mark Giles Scouting Report |
Lesson 6 |
Inga Hooper Scouting Report |
Small Space Exercise Set 5 | + |
Lesson 1 |
Exercises with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
Small Space Exercise Set 6 | - |
Lesson 1 |
Exercises with Options |
Lesson 2 |
Nested Challenge Sequence |
Wrap-Up | + |
Lesson 1 |
Survery |
Lesson 2 |
Good Luck! |
Lesson 3 |
Follow BDA at Nationals |
Carla & Riley
Flash’s challenge 6 exercise. I have three variations, wrap inside/wrap outside, wrap inside/inside, and wrap outside/inside.
I struggled with Rolex on the Challenge exercises but finally worked it out. Vibe, running second, gets the advantage of my learning from running Rolex.
Thanks so much for your encouragement and feedback.
Hi Sarah, I found this quite challenging especially for Blast who’s less experienced. Blast and I struggled with the slice and wrap in a variety of different ways. I think part of it was that I jumped both of them at 16” because we just came off of a weekend of trialing and I wanted to get these done so they’d have some rest before we left for Perry next week. I felt I could barely get to jump 5 to cue the turn. I did leave all of our bloopers in and even though he turned the wrong way, but was on course, I did keep going to finish it as that’s what I’d do in competition. This really showed that when it’s an angled jump, his understanding isn’t as strong as I thought it was. I don’t usually encounter this when the jumps are more straight on. I’m really looking forward to your critique and any ideas to train this better.
On Zest’s video I only ran him twice and shame on me, I didn’t notice he pulled off jump 6 until I looked at my video. As he is going on 11, I definitely didn’t want to redo it.
As challenging as it was, Module 9 was one of my favorites. Module 8 was a ton of fun too.
Thanks for all you and the team do all for this to come to fruition. It’s such a wonderful tool to have going into these big events.
Got it. Yes,Regarding Blast, I did have to break those wraps down and did reward him when he got it correct. Just not in the video I submitted.
With Zest…you asked how I do my threadles and they are our weakest skill actually for both dogs. I definitely am doing something wrong and as you pointed out, I used the wrong arm for my wrap. I’m definitely going to have to revisit the areas in BDA where you teach wraps and threadles. I definitely seem to be confusing them.
Won’t change too much before nationals though. Always something to work on 🥰
Yes – you do you at NAC 😉
I would have opted for the slice since the loop required so much decel cue from me to get nice turns.
And you would’ve been rewarded!