16 Training Tips You Need – Bad Dog Agility Academy

16 Training Tips You Need

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  • alincoln1963@gmail.com says:

    Sarah on number 3, so if puppy gets afraid of something and runs to me I’m to treat that behavior?

  • asheltielover says:

    My puppy is 4 1/2 months old. When going on a walk down the street, she jumps back in fear when say a big fedex truck roars by. Are you saying I need to treat her when this happens per #3 above? Wouldn’t that be rewarding the fearful behavior? How should I deal with this?

  • Jill Cohn says:

    What is a formal cue? “Sit” or a motion that signals ‘sit’?

    • Sarah Baker says:

      What I meant by a formal sit cue is just purposefully teaching a cue for it, instead of just rewarding it when it happened. Skeptic’s “formal” sit cue is sit.

  • Lori Ayers says:

    Hi Sarah- Shelby (9 weeks old) barks her head off while I am preparing their food. She will sit in between barks & I try to get in quickly to reward the sit & her being quiet, but the barking just starts up again when I turn around. I don’t want to inadverently reward the wrong thing. I will put her in the crate & then she screams and jumps around in the crate. When she sits I go over & reward it. How do I get some duration & impluse control at this age. ? By the way, my 2 other dogs are being quiet while this is going on and I am rewarding them for sitting & waiting. Shelby sees them sitting and getting pieces of kibble & she sits right in between them.

    • Lori Ayers says:

      By the way, she does not get her whole meal with the otehr dogs. 1/2 of her meal she works for in another area of the house. It’s your choice games, name game, etc. I guess I just wanted her to get used to eating with the other 2. Maybe she should just be working for her entire meal @ this point? But there are going to be times when I need to leave for work, etc, where I may just have to feed her in the crate & I want to be sure I’m starting good habits from the beginning. Thanks —

      • Sarah Baker says:

        Scattering would help Skeptic. I would mark the behavior I liked but instead of handing him a treat, I would toss a bunch of kibble for him to search for (with a “find it” cue). That gave me more time to do what I was working on without building frustration or having to reward every second.

  • eakreppel@gmail.com says:

    Hi! Can you define the threshold referred to in #3? Thanks!

    • Sarah Baker says:

      Hi Emilie! The threshold is the point at which your puppy is so afraid or over aroused that they can no longer think. Training at this point is not much use so you must get your puppy back under that threshold so they can think and learn again. For example when Dillon was younger he panicked around traffic. His tail was tucked, he panted heavily, drooled, had whale eye, did not want food and he shook like crazy. He was definitely unable to learn anything while so far over threshold. We used distance to bring him under threshold, taking him far away from the traffic to start with. We started at the point that he noticed the traffic but was only slightly concerned and went from there.

  • Collene says:

    Could you add some links to better explain some of these? Or if this is something we will get in the course, maybe a note when/where.

    For example:
    1) Defining operant and classical conditioning
    2) Defining shaping vs. luring
    3) How to do IYC
    4) What is “shorter” re: training length and how does this change as puppy gets older?

  • Heather says:

    Would help if I could print this to read when not on computer.

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