Video: Playing in Class – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Video: Playing in Class

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  • Kelly Adam says:

    Super helpful video. Thank you! We have the same issue. Tug is great at home, but highly inconsistent away. I see how the toy switch game is really useful too.

    • Sarah Baker says:

      So glad it is helpful! So many things with Skeptic did not come easily!!

      • Kelly Adam says:

        Just saw your response, and just watching this video again. And still helpful! Also helpful to know things didn’t come easy. Same here. But Walter, (working cocker that looks a lot like Skep) has improved SO much! Really getting a lot from this class.

  • says:

    Not sure what the goal of playing with toys in the agility ring is all about…to let him see being in the space is fun?

    • Sarah Baker says:

      The main reason to play with toys in the ring is to be able to reinforce behaviors. Until last year, we could only reward the dog by going on. Now, if they like toys, we have opportunities to reward in the ring. Also, when training, dogs can only eat so much, especially small dogs. I can only do a limited amount of training with Skeptic if I only use food. Many dogs will go faster for toys as well.

      • says:

        Got it. So meaningful reward is the point. Forrest (a Weim, 22 weeks old) is always happy for food during training. If we were to run under the “new” AKC rules where toys are allowed (but not food) during trial conditions…we would have to choose carefully…a plain old stick has more value than any toy i have tried to bring outside. Thanks Sarah!

  • cynthia says:

    I loved this–so many cool ideas for me to try with Stryker 🙂

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