Notes: Day 7 – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Notes: Day 7

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  • says:

    Wondering if Skeptic gets zoomies in the house? Toast gets going 110 mph and has no regard for her body. How do you break them of this? Crate and leash is what we have been doing

    • Sarah Baker says:

      I think most puppies get the zoomies! If they do something unsafe, I do call it to their attention. If while zooming, I might interrupt them, have them take a short breather, then release them to run again, preferably with a toy. I would also reset Skeptic for doing dangerous things throughout the day. If he ran down the hallway and wiped out trying to turn to the bedroom for example, I would give him a no reward marker, bring him back to the living room, then have him go down the hallway and make a safe turn to the bedroom. It has been fun to watch him learn to collect or slide, not slip and crash : ) I would definitely use a leash and crate when necessary and often zoomies mean a puppy is ready for a nap anyway!

      • says:

        I’m afraid she is going to hurt herself. We have travertine floors with no traction. I try and not let her have an opportunity to do this in the house. Wondering if your situation was or is similar.

        • Sarah Baker says:

          Ah yes, fear of injury is why I have large yoga mats covering the main living part of the house. And why he had to learn to navigate the slippery hallway. Amazon has large square yoga mats that are cheaper than the round ones (mandala mats) if you are interested. I would definitely be careful.

  • says:

    The crankiness actually made Our wocker Shine 14weeks is so much like this and has to be put to bed. She starts going hard in play with the other wocker Spring (1year) and even if told off by Spring or any of the dogs she goes back for more and is more determined to get a reaction

  • Linda Brisbin says:

    How are you teaching the paw up?

    • Sarah Baker says:

      For Skeptic we just captured it because he did it naturally. With other dogs I have lured (held a cookie up until they pawed or lured their head to the side so their weight shifted and a paw lifted) or molded (touched the back of the dog’s wrist until the paw lifts) the behavior.

  • Patti OFarrell says:

    Am I missing something — is there any training suggestions with lessons 1-6? Such as IYC?

  • Jean Groesbeck says:

    Do you have a picture of the boxes that you use?

  • Collene says:

    In this first week, are you naming behaviors to cue them or just catching behaviors you like? The one I noticed that you seemed to name already was the release cue, but the other behaviors like sitting, dropping one toy for another, following beside you – these are all just rewarded as they occur, correct?

    • Sarah Baker says:

      I name behaviors as soon as I am confidant they will happen. Coming out of the crate will happen, so I can name that right away. Correct, the other behaviors need more reinforcement before they are reliable enough to name.

  • cynthia says:

    Hi Sarah, do you have any videos showing your initial toy play sessions?

    • Sarah Baker says:

      All the video I have is in the 2 toy video. I unfortunately did not get his very first session because it was impromptu. He played right away though so there was not any training…

      • cynthia says:

        that’s a bonus! My little girl loves a thrown toy, but still won’t tug with me (tried the toy on leash for more distance) . So our game now is : I throw the toy, she grabs it, runs around with it then comes back and sometimes still has it sometimes she’s left it. I give her a treat for coming back. I adopted her when she was 10 months old. I think it’s just her and I’m not too worried. Just wondered if you have any ideas on growing her play with me. She really likes squeaky balls 🙂

        • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

          Cynthia – This is outside of Sarah’s feedback since you do not have one of the “personal feedback” spots. But you are a VIP member (which gives you access to Esteban, myself and Jennifer). So I’m going to email you some ideas tomorrow morning!

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