Video: Hand Touches – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Video: Hand Touches

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  • says:

    Basic nose touches, haven don’t the “in motion” version yet. I started with the Susan Garret touches so I haven’t named the behavior (yet).

    • Sarah Baker says:

      Those look good! Definitely time to add a cue and decide what your finished criteria will be. Multiple nose touches? A sustained nose touch? The later is my preference.

      • says:

        So how do you get to the sustained effort? I see Hops in the video with the final behavior, but not quite sure how to go from multiple to sustained?
        This is fun!

        • Sarah Baker says:

          I usually start out by holding out for more than one touch. Often the dog will start to keep their nose closer to the hand in anticipation of having to do another touch before being rewarded. I shape from there, jackpotting any touches that are longer or that stay closer. Sometimes moving the hand away a little can help.

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