At What Age Should You Start Tug Training? – Bad Dog Agility Academy

At What Age Should You Start Tug Training?

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  • Collene says:

    Could you do some special segments specifically on “puppy’s first tug” please? I’ve never had a dog that liked to tug and will be getting a new puppy later this year. I think I need some extra coaching on how to start off on the right foot with such a young dog.

    • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

      If you go down to Module 8, these are games that are good for building drive with any new tugger, but they are also specifically how I tug with puppies and the majority of the video shows a very young Ellie and Emma learning to tug.

  • Ginette says:

    please fix the link above – I had to copy and paste as the clickable link is not working the HTML actually is.

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