Demonstration of Good Chasing – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Demonstration of Good Chasing

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  • Michelle says:

    I pulled the flirt pole out of the closet. Indy was very intent on grabbing hold of the line the toy was tied on with.

    • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

      Ok this is the SECOND cutest thing I’ve seen this week 🙂

      Great stuff. I’d love to see you use a helper and get a bit of a head start on a few reps as well. And you can also just wait when he catches and see if he lets go or looses interest and use that moment to bring the toy to life again!

  • says:

    I have tried many different toys. Brad is not interested in chasing any of them while the toy is on a line. He will go after a toy if you throw it and wants to play keep away only.

    • Esteban Fernandezlopez says:

      I would put the DOG on a long thin, lightweight line (so they don’t notice it as much) and then start with short throws of a 3-5 feet and reel the dog in like a fish and start tugging with them once your hand reaches the toy, then repeat. You can also encourage the dog to bring the toy back to you, and after the dog realizes that you will always throw the toy for them again, they’ll start to come without you needing to reel them in.

  • Valerie Spadaccini says:

    What do you do if the puppy will not release the toy so you can have it chase again?

    • Esteban Fernandezlopez says:

      Thank you for the video–I will get your feedback to you by email. You’re ok to post here or send a link by email as well.

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