Good Posture Stand – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Good Posture Stand

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  • says:

    How do you teach the dog to stand like this and be still?

  • KimG says:

    My dog is good at front foot targeting, and less talented at rear foot targets. So I placed a front foot target out. How does this look?

  • Michelle says:

    I’m thinking a Jake’s 30 second stand in the fitness test probably has his head too high since I was standing in front of him. Oops.

  • Collene says:

    Can you write a few things here that we should be noting about the picture that shows this good posture?

    • Leslie Eide says:

      It may be helpful to review Fitness Test Video #1 that goes over good posture. In the picture above I have drawn pink lines on the legs that show the elbow to the carpus is perpendicular to the ground and the hock (tarsus to top of the paw) is perpendicular to the ground. The head position is slightly high, it should be more in line with the pink arrow.

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