How do I stop my dog from laying down with the toy when I want them to bring it back to me? – Bad Dog Agility Academy

How do I stop my dog from laying down with the toy when I want them to bring it back to me?

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  • CG says:

    So the steps are: tug w/ low value toy, release (gently pushing away), move away from dog. When dog springs forward towards you, mark and reward with high value toy and have tug session.

    My question is: what then? How to you transition to another rep? How do you get the dog from the high value toy back to the low value toy?

    • Esteban Fernandezlopez says:

      I usually give the dog 1-2 re-bites and then on the second re-bite I switch toys. There’s a module with a video in the tugging course for this. You can also use “toy switching” where you tug with the dog with one hand and then switch them to a toy in your other hand, on a verbal cue. That requires some training in advance though.

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