Getting Started | + |
Lesson 1 |
Introduction |
Lesson 2 |
Age Considerations |
Tunnel | - |
Lesson 1 |
Introducing Circular Objects |
Lesson 2 |
Tunnel Foundation (with Shaping) |
Lesson 3 |
Tunnel Foundation (with Cues) |
Lesson 4 |
Adding Angled Approaches |
Lesson 5 |
Generalizing the Tunnel |
Lesson 6 |
Transitioning from Straight to Curved Tunnels |
Lesson 7 |
Additional Tunnel Resources |
Tire | + |
Lesson 1 |
Introducing Circular Objects |
Lesson 2 |
Introducing the Tire |
Table | + |
Lesson 1 |
Table Foundation |
Lesson 2 |
Introducing the Table |
Lesson 3 |
Proofing the Table |
Jumps | + |
Lesson 1 |
Introduction to Jumping |
Lesson 2 |
Circling a Cone |
Lesson 3 |
Circling a Wing/Jump |
Lesson 4 |
Offered Arc Jumping |
Lesson 5 |
Raising the Height |
Lesson 6 |
Lured Wraps |
Lesson 7 |
Set Point |
Lesson 8 |
Jump Grids |
Teeter | + |
Lesson 1 |
Foundation: Buja Board |
Lesson 2 |
Foundation: Bang Game |
Lesson 3 |
Jungle Gym Teeter |
Lesson 4 |
TipAssist/TeachIt Overview |
Lesson 5 |
First Sessions with TipAssist |
Aframe | + |
Lesson 1 |
Stopped or Running? |
Lesson 2 |
Box Method |
Lesson 3 |
Box Method - Where to Get Your Box |
Lesson 4 |
Box Method - Introducing the Box |
Lesson 5 |
Box Method - Introducing the Verbal Cue and Remote Treat |
Lesson 6 |
Introduction to the Aframe |
Lesson 7 |
Box Method - Adding the Box to the Aframe |
Lesson 8 |
Box Method - Flattening the Box on the Aframe |
Lesson 9 |
Box Method - Adding Speed |
Lesson 10 |
Contacts Proofing |
Weaves | + |
Lesson 1 |
Weave Diaries |
Lesson 2 |
Weave Diaries Continued |
Lesson 3 |
Introducing Your Dog to Weave Pole Guides |
Lesson 4 |
Weave Proofing |
Dogwalk | + |
Lesson 1 |
Stopped or Running? |
Lesson 2 |
Introducing the 2o2o Position |
Lesson 3 |
Adding Proofing to the 2o2o Position |
Lesson 4 |
Adding Motion and Adding a Verbal |
Lesson 5 |
Introducing the Dogwalk |
Lesson 6 |
Contacts Proofing |
Start Line Stays | + |
Lesson 1 |
Best BDA SLS Resources |
Could hoops as used in NADAC work for this?
Absolutely! I think they would work as a great starting point to expose the dogs to something going overtop their head. The NADAC hoops have flat bottoms (I believe) so once the dogs seem okay with them, I’d transition to something they have to stop/jump over a bit more.
Starting a new rescue dog. Looking forward to using your techniques.
Let me know how it goes!
That was brilliant with treat placement! Will make later handling cues SO much easier for the dog to learn!
Jennifer when you say mark the behavior are you using a clicker or voice such as good girl?
Everyone has different markers that mean different things. I use “take” as a marker when treats are being delivered from my hand and “find” when I am tossing treats on the ground. You will hear a mix of the two in this video but the marker should be consistent with where the reinforcement is being delivered. I do use a clicker in my training but it is for static behaviors so I don’t use it for jumping.
What is the purpose of different delivery methods and also differentiating with two different vocal cues? Does that come into play later down the road? If so, how?
Here’s more information about markers in general:
I’ll let Jennifer respond to the purpose of sometimes delivering from hand and sometimes tossing.
Sarah beat me to the punch regarding the markers demo video (we also have a podcast talking about them) but I will answer your specific questions about this video.
The two different verbal cues are just to differentiate the reward placement. “Take” is food from my hand and “find” is food on the ground. This information gives the dog a very clear understanding of where the food will arrive from and therefor improved clarity in our communication. I never want my dog to be looking for food on the ground unless cued so it is important to me to ALWAYS mark when I am tossing treats on the ground.
I wouldn’t say that markers come into play when specifically teaching the tire, but having a clear communication system in which your dog can predict what and where the reinforcement will arrive is important to me and helps to minimize frustration from the dog. A lot of people use the same word to mark all reinforcements and their location. For example, saying “yes” for the ideal performance and then sometimes giving food but then sometimes a toy. Sometimes they toss it to the dog and then sometimes the dog comes to them. Imagine if when you got paid sometimes it was cash and sometimes it was a gift card. And sometimes they mailed it to you and sometimes you had to report to the boss to pick up your payment. Confusing, right? Giving my dog clarify on what and where allows training to go smoother with less frustration.
Okay I watched the video. I’ve been marking with “yes” for everything. Will it be confusing for her if I change to find and take? And just to clarify, “find” and “take” replace a click in the same way “yes” does, correct?
Yes, you are correct that “take” and “find” replace a click in the same way “yes” does. While she might be confused a first, a bit of training on the new markers will make things more clear long term. Just start by sitting with her breakfast/dinner and just say “take” and hand her food. You don’t even need to be training anything as first. Just introduce her to the cue.
Got it! Thanks!