Overview | + |
Lesson 1 |
Technology Covered in this Course - Preview |
Lesson 2 |
Sarah's Workflow |
Lesson 3 |
A Note About Coach's Eye and OnForm |
Lesson 4 |
A Note About Versions |
Video Taping | + |
Lesson 1 |
Choosing Your Taping Device |
Lesson 2 |
Tripod and Holder Recommendations |
Editing Video | + |
Lesson 1 |
Where Should You Edit? |
Lesson 2 |
Simple Editing from the Camera Roll (iOS) |
Lesson 3 |
Editing with iMovie for iOS |
Lesson 4 |
Windows Options |
Lesson 5 |
Android Options (InShot) |
Self Analysis with OnForm | + |
Lesson 1 |
Introduction to OnForm |
Lesson 2 |
OnForm Support and How To Videos |
Lesson 3 |
Getting the OnForm App |
Lesson 4 |
Getting Videos into OnForm |
Lesson 5 |
Analyzing Video |
Lesson 6 |
Using the Timer Tool |
Lesson 7 |
Side by Side Comparisons |
Lesson 8 |
Exporting Taped Analyses |
Lesson 9 |
Replay of Live OnForm Webinar |
Sharing Video | - |
Lesson 1 |
Sharing Between iOS Devices (AirDrop) |
Lesson 2 |
Saving Video From Facebook Messenger |
Lesson 3 |
Sharing with YouTube |
Lesson 4 |
Sharing with Dropbox |
Lesson 5 |
Sharing with iCloud |
Lesson 6 |
Sharing from iMovie |
Getting Help | + |
Lesson 1 |
Feedback | + |
Lesson 1 |
Testimonial |
As a public school teacher by day-I make sure my airdrop is OFF…
kids have sent some crazy stuff around.
How do I give my iPhone a name that shows up for people when I go to airdrop?
I actually wasn’t sure! So I googled and found this: https://www.lifewire.com/change-airdrop-name-6362684
This only works if the two devices are fairly close together, right? How far apart can they be and still have it work? I have tried testing this with my husband on his phone, but haven’t had much luck.
I’m usually just standing next to the person. Per the internet, they need to be within 30 feet.
What’s happens? Or doesn’t happen, when you try?
Hi Sarah, when I try to swipe like you suggested all my I pad screen does is turn gray and the keyboard appears to type in the search box. I tried to swipe from the bottom and on the left side of ipad also nothing. So how can I turn the airdrop icon on. Thanks, shirley
It sounds like you’re swiping from the top down. You need to swipe from the upper right corner diagonally toward the lower left corner. Let me know if that works!
Hi, that did not work. Tried swiping from lower left to upper right also nothing. Actually I tired every direction nothing happens other than the screen goes to grey and the keyboard comes up. Don’t understand. I tried it on my cell phone and I have a older model and it did work on that to open up air drop. My I pad is a 6 th generation.
So when I try to airdrop (new skill for me, thanks for your patient teaching) from my phone to ipad, it only offers to send it to my laptop. Am I doing something wrong?
Didn’t you make sure airdrop is enabled on both devices (your phone and iPad)?
I would set high to accepting from anyone rather than contacts only to minimize variables.
Let me know if that doesn’t work and we’ll set up a screen sharing session.
I’m pretty sure I have both set to “everyone”…
H isara
many of my agility friends send video to messenger and i find it difficult to send it to youtube etc.
 You can help get video from my messenger to my photos icon
linda k
That’s a great idea for an addition. Very common scenario. I’ll remind myself how to do it and the add a video.
Added a lesson: https://baddogagilityacademy.com/course/technology-for-agility/module-5/saving-video-from-facebook-messenger/