Fundamentals Exercise 6 – Alternating Acceleration and Deceleration – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Fundamentals Exercise 6 – Alternating Acceleration and Deceleration

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  • says:

    This is a long video, but you don’t need to watch the whole thing, I was just videoing for me to watch later. But I was so BLOWN AWAY by how following each of the steps in this module as close as I could lead to that moment of brilliance in my second rep, so wanted to share our success. Her instinct was to get to that platform – she loves doing it and I built a ton of value before it waaaay before I ever thought about trying agility. She powered towards it for a split second, but you could see her wheels turning as she processed the decel cue mid-jump and finally did the wrap.

    We have a long way to go (okay, *I* have a long way to go, she’s nailing it!), but I’m feeling so much more confident in what we’re doing with this plan laid out for us… and already seeing such a difference in our teamwork!

  • Hege says:

    First video, front cross at the deceleration jump: would you do the front cross when the dog is in the air, or is it better to teach the dog that you may do the front cross and start running in the opposite direction before the dog takes off?

    • Esteban Fernandezlopez says:

      This depends on the dog. Some dogs will turn tightly only when you run against them (early front cross) but will turn wide if you are standing in place and don’t cross. Other dogs will turn tightly in both situations. Eventually, a dog will learn to turn as tightly as possible with earlier front crosses (or running against them) and turn less tightly when stationary, in anticipation of a 90 degree turn for example, rather than a full wrap back the direction they came from. Does this answer your question?

  • says:

    As an older handler, I am often behind my dog trying to catch up. How do I cue the correct jump for the dog to wrap, while I am behind maybe one or two jumps? With the straight tunnel in the second video, I am always going to be behind my dog as it comes out of the tunnel.

    • Esteban Fernandezlopez says:

      You can cue the wrap from behind, or laterally. Your body language will be the same, and your verbal cue will become more important. Your timing will be the same even if you are far away. A stride or two before take off point, you should be stopped, even if you are two jumps behind and out of the picture. With training the dog can wrap even if you are moving forward, where the verbal cue provides all of the info and the move is independent of your position and motion. But usually, I keep the same body language, even if you are lateral or behind. Does this answer your question?

  • Lynne Bockelman says:

    Is the dog’s desire to turn toward the handler in these videos perhaps increased by seeing the solid fence after the jump? Was that a deliberate part of the exercise? If my Shelties see a wall or ring gate after an obstacle, they KNOW they will be turning and don’t need to be cued as they would in an open area.

    • Esteban Fernandezlopez says:

      It’s possible, but we did not set up the exercises to do that. I find that dogs are so focused on handler motion that they prioritize that over the ring gating. Sure, dogs know not to go straight and run into a wall or gate, but our rottweiler once jumped a gate like it was a jump, right out of the ring. Dogs will also turn, yes, but should they turn wide or tight? That depends on how it was cued, and not the presence of a wall. Great question!

  • Barbara Lewis says:

    Need to be sure about distance between jumps… I’d guess 10-15 ‘


    • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

      I would work 18′-20′ if you have space. 18′ is the minimum spacing in AKC. We are much more careful about this spacing now, we didn’t measure everything a few years back and once we did we found we tended to have things closer than we should.

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