Simple Turn Followed Immediately by a Rear Cross – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Simple Turn Followed Immediately by a Rear Cross

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  • LauriePreston says:

    How is the slice-y rear cross different than the L-shaped rear cross from the previous section? I guess it depends where you are going after the rear cross? In this example, using the slicey rear does not put Marcus behind, as was mentioned as a negative to doing an L-shaped rear-cross.

    • Esteban Fernandezlopez says:

      Today we would run this differently, using decel rather than much shoulder rotation, to set up the rear cross. Run up to the wing of the jump after the a-frame and slow down or stop, which turns the dog left, then charge the diagonal line, thus largely avoiding the L shaped path.

  • Lynne Bockelman says:

    Great analysis! Thanks, Esteban!

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