Pomodoro Technique – Bad Dog Agility Academy

Pomodoro Technique

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  • Nathalie says:

    It’s called Pomodoro because his timer was a plastic tomato!

  • gypsyshelties@yahoo.com says:

    I love this concept. I have been doing this while I am now working from home. When I have a work meeting that ends early, I crate all the dogs except the one I’m taking out to train. This makes the one that I’m training feel special and I get a lot more focus. I train for a max of 5 minutes, then go back in with them and they get a final cookie before I let the rest of the dogs out of their crates.

    This has really helped me get some quality training without burning me or the dog out.

  • Carol R says:

    I have been doing the timed sessions for a couple of months. In my world I call it 3 x 2 training. I pick 3 skills for a session set a tmer for 3 min. The 2 is number of dogs. Mine sit on cots to wait turns. Dog 1 3 min send to cot. Dog 2 runs out, 3 min and repeat through the 3 targeted skills. Sometimes each dog has a different skill to work on and sometimes the are the same.

  • cbpus01@yahoo.com says:

    Since I am working from home remotely, I have a timer on my watch that tells me to get up and move 3-5 minutes every hour. I have found it rewarding to do a short course of agility (if it is not too warm) or a nose work session with Brody and Caera. Then, I go back to work refreshed since I have “reset” my brain by doing something totally different than the task at hand. It has made working from home more rewarding and interactive.

  • Gwendolyn says:

    I have done this by trial and error. The dog lets me know he is done then I wait a few minutes and he is ready again.

  • AgilityNewb says:

    appreciate the modified pomodoro method with appropriate timings. it’s something i’ve been questioning myself about. FYI in case ppl like apps, there are plenty of pomodoro method apps for ios/android that will let you customize your active and rest periods… if you want to try it with the suggested timing disciplines.

  • kpdewit says:

    I have found that any longer than 5 minutes and my dog starts making more and more errors. Timing 5 minutes has been great for both of us

    • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

      Absolutely. I like the idea of ROI (return on investment) in training sessions. In fact, I think that will be an upcoming podcast! At some point you are getting less out of your time. In fact, you CAN have a negative roi. When you have a bad session or lose your cool, you can actually create problems and be worse off than if you didn’t train at all that day!

  • Kerstin M says:

    I really like this concept, and will try it with my dogs.

  • loisronis@gmail.com says:

    Got it Will use this concept now!

  • Zinnes says:

    Interesting idea — but how about 3-5 minute training periods at various times during the day? I have found that if I think of training as just a short interval I’m much more willing and able to get it done. Its when I think that I have to carve out 15-25 minutes that I begin to tell myself that I don’t have time.

    • Esteban Fernandezlopez says:

      Yes, that’s my preferred option as well! Most people block off 30-60 minutes for training, so I wanted to emphasize that even in that block, you can break that time into smaller chunks. But I’m like you, I prefer spreading my 3-5 min session over the day, especially with puppies.

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