Summary – Bad Dog Agility Academy


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  • fiona says:

    Thank you for this motivation and information! Love it. I have more time already.

  • says:

    As a new mom trying to manage my time efficiently, this course is SO valuable! And I plan to apply this to more than just my agility training!

  • says:

    I LOVE this training and have needed it so bad! Knowing what to train and when to stop has been a challenge for me!

  • says:

    I like making an appointment on my outlook calendar for training Brody and also my own exercise time. It keeps me honest and on task.

  • says:

    How much time during the day on average to you allocate for training a dog? (What does the dog do for the remainder of the day)?

    • Sarah Fernandezlopez says:

      Just like you, our lives are busy with activities and commitments outside of dog agility. So every day is different. Some days there is no training, others we have more flexibility.

      Ideally we’d have 3-4 10-15 min sessions. Of course that’s dog time, there might be 15 mins of preparation or more for those sessions.

      If we’re offsite training (for instance, running full courses) we might be “agility training” for 2-3 hours. However, in reality that 2-3 hours looks like:
      1 hour course build and initial walk, no dog
      Work dogs in 5-10 min sessions alternating dogs.

      So the dogs are still working for 5-10 mins before getting a 10-20 min break.

      When we are not home, all dogs are crated. When we are home they’re usually free in different sub-areas of the house. For example adult dogs might have access to the whole house, puppies to the blocked off kitchen or an xpen area in the living room.

  • VDogs says:

    Super helpful!! Thank you!!

  • Nancy WT says:

    This are great suggestions. I’m excited to implement #11!

  • says:

    I’m now re-energized to better manage my agility training time! The whole course only took a few minutes to read during lunch at work today. Well done and thank you!

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