April 2023 Workouts – Bad Dog Agility Academy

April 2023 Workouts

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  • KMAC says:

    Unfortunately, life gets in the way. I’m just beginning the CF program. I have three Border Collies ages 10, 5 & 3. My 10 year old had a posas injury about a year & 1/2 ago. He has been released to run agility again about 10 months ago. I’m so afraid of entering him again because I feel like he will hurt himself again. Naturally he run like he was shot from a cannon. So I will definitely be working the exercises for strengthening his posas. I heard you mention in one of the videos a Fitness Test. I looked through the list of exercises and didn’t see it. Where can I find it as I think it would be a good baseline to start and measure our progress. Thanks, Kathy

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